Run For Office because YOU: Can. Care. Fight for what's fair. Will make time. Are ready. Will lead. Are inspired. Are inspiring. Are passionate. Love democracy. Want to secure the future.
The Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought was established in 1994 by individuals in Monmouth County from various religious and ethical traditions. It is led by a Board of Trustees comprising members of our diverse religious communities, including the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County, which serves as the host organization.
For 18 years, MCWRET has celebrated, usually on Sunday just before Thanksgiving, a public event featuring music, song, dance, talks, and readings called "United We Sing: Music of Gratitude, Voices of Different Faiths Raised in Joy and Happiness".
The reference above is taken from the program for "2018 United We Sing".
Garden State MOSAIC is an educational program for multi-faith middle and high school youth to work together to apply leadership and communication skills to find positive and constructive ways of addressing the differences in values and norms between the many different faith traditions. The program is cosponsored by the Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought (MCWRET) and the Monmouth County Human Relations Commission (MCHRC).posted outside the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County:
TO HELL WITH THE WORLD? Is that Jewish? See the following book and reviews about it.
Jonathan Neumann's book offers a "devastating critique of the presumed theological basis of the Jewish social justice movement -- the concept of healing the world."Jonathan Neumann
column entitled Liberal Jews are destroying their own religion is based on his book To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel (All Points Books).This review comments that Jonathan Neumann's book "shows the harm that ensues when religion morphs into social-justice activism. To Heal the World? How American Jews Came to Believe That Tikkun Olam Was at the Core of Their Tradition (sic) is a useful and worthy contribution, and Jonathan Neumann is owed a debt of gratitude for this forthright, spirited, and well-argued book. [But] it makes one long for a study that... would take on the full scale and complexity of his subject."This review comments that "In the Jonathan Neumann fundamentalist exegesis To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel the author argues that those radical proponents who feel obliged to fix the world actually weaken devotion to the true Jewish mandate. Among [his list of] many liberal thinkers and activists espousing false agendas are such worthy figures as Thomas Friedman, Ruth Messinger, Michael Lerner, Michael Strassfeld, and Michael Walzer. The author Neumann, finding tikkun olam a rarity in the Jewish canon, posits a false dichotomy in an either-or situation."In this review of Jonathan Neumann's bookTo Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel the reviewer comments "In his critique of the modern Jewish left, Jonathan Neumann is not just wrong. He is also way out of his league."Israel Drazin article studies Maimonides's essay on the Talmud volume devoted to what the rabbis considered proper behavior. The Talmud volume is known as Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers). Maimonides disparages "morality" by saying the best life is not the moral life, but a life based on reason where people use their intellect to distinguish not between good and evil, but rather truth from falsehood.